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  • Writer's pictureDOMONIQUE ASKEW

Reflection Post

I initially created my ePortfolio last year for my class Comm 372T. When I created my ePortfolio last year the easiest part of setting it up was creating the Home page and Blog page. These were the easiest parts to set up because most of the information for the Home page was already placed by Wix. While the Blog page only consisted of creating the spacing for each post and how each one would be presented on the page. The most challenging part of setting up my ePortfolio was the Projects page. This is because I did not initially know how I wanted the page to look. While also not understanding how to place the projects in the most cohesive format for viewers. So I recently updated my Home page by adding more of the circular buttons under the introduction to promote easier navigation. Then I updated the About me page by adding more information about myself and my future endeavors.

This process of setting up my ePortfolio on Wix and taking the time to understand how to navigate and curate a portfolio using their tools also seems to translate into CMC. For those who may not know what CMC is, it is when average people use computers or computer like devices to communicate with others. An example of this is social media platforms such as, Twitter or 'X', Instagram, and TikTok. Even for instance this blog post can be considered CMC (computer mediated communication) because I am using a computer generated platform to communicate with those who come across my ePortfolio.

I would describe the role of CMC in my personal life by how I use social media platforms to send messages, memes, and videos to others. The platforms that I use most often in my personal life would be TikTok and Instagram. Using these platforms throughout my day helps me to stay connected to friends and family by sending them posts, memes, and messages.

Another role that CMC has in my life would be in my collegiate studies. Since being a college student who is enrolled in online classes CMC is a major key in these classes. My online classes depend upon computer mediated communication on the daily basis. Whether that be to communicate with other classmates or the professors for each course.

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