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  • Writer's pictureDOMONIQUE ASKEW

Leadership Part 1

The easiest part of setting up my Wix account was typing in my email address and creating a password. While the website made it very simple to create the account, I still found it difficult to place the elements where I wanted them to be. However, it was pretty easy to select a theme and website template that was provided at the start of the process.

The most challenging part of setting up my Wix account was integrating my resume onto the website as a PDF page, attaching links to my course project documents, and adding the effects to certain elements. Integrating my resume as a PDF page that is downloadable was a struggle because the document would not fully load or display on the website page. Attaching links to my course projects was a bit difficult as well, as I had to convert my documents into PDF files and find the area to add it in the text title. Additionally, applying the effects was challenging because I could not figure out which effects looked the best and how to have each element match up.While curating my Wix account over the past three classes, I have faced challenges implementing new elements to make my website professional and appealing. However, with effort and time, I was able to resolve it after some time.

I do not feel as confident as I should feel in my professional or online presence at this time. This lack of confidence stems from not having a professional presence, particularly a professional online presence. Currently, my online presence is very minimal because I am more so of a watcher. However, I am excited about my Wix page and the places it can potentially take me. 

My experience with a leader stems from volunteering and group work. I have led my team in a business proposal for a course. This experience involved communicating with each member, ensuring deadlines were met, organized meeting times and practice, and performing in front of local business owners to propose the product and its market benefits. The characteristics I appreciated in the leadership approach of other groups, in which I was not a leader, were their thoroughness, constant communication, and willingness to help each other.

An event that I attended, which was poorly managed, unfortunately, was my cousin’s wedding. The event started an hour or two later than expected. The cocktail hour dragged on longer than an hour, and there was a lack of guidance and information provided to the guests referring to what was happening. The reception seemed disorganized, family members left early because of the dysfunction of the event. The event staff failed to manage the problems effectively, leaving everyone confused. If I were to have managed the event I would have ensured that the guests were comfortable, informed, and reassured during the event.

I currently do not have any questions at this stage of the ePortfolio project.

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