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  • Writer's pictureDOMONIQUE ASKEW

Final Reflection

This is my final blog post on my ePortfolio for this semester. This semester was very successful but also had its obstacles. I am so glad to finally have a break! Since this blog post is my last one of the semester it will be about one of the classes I took this year. This blog post is about the class COMM372T and what I have learned while taking this course. In the class COMM372T there were several assignments over the course of the semester that tested our knowledge and analyzed technology. Out of all of these assignments there is one that was my favorite during the semester. This assignment was the media curation project that was based on Instagram. The media curation project was an assignment to analyze an Instagram account to apply it to the teachings of that section. The Instagram account I decided to analyze for this project is owned by Jayda Cheaves, who is a young businesswoman with a large following of 7.9 million. I enjoyed this project because it helped me to apply the content from the lectures and reading to an actual account. I was able to test my knowledge and truly grasp the content for that assignment.

While taking COMM372T I learned about media, technology, and their effects on the world. When reading and watching these lectures for the class I also analyzed my own productivity using media technology. While analyzing my own engagement and productivity I started to pay more attention to how much time I spent using this technology. I also started to watch what I shared on media platforms but also other forms of technology. This class has caused me to be more cautious about media technology, technology, and their effects. Which has caused my engagement with media and technology to be more cautious, but also more analytical.

During this semester I created my very first ePortfolio. I created this ePortfolio because it was an assignment in COMM372T. This assignment was to create or curate an ePortfolio that will include the projects and assignments for this class and also others. While creating this ePortfolio the process has helped me learn to create an online professional presence. This portfolio that was created for a class allowed me to create a step towards my professional endeavors. While also grasping the content and criticism from this course to improve my professional presence.

Finally, I close this blog post by giving advice to future COMM372T students in reference to creating an ePortfolio. When it comes to designing a Communications ePortfolio for class find a template that is sleek and easy to navigate. This will help not only you when completing the assignment, but also others who may view your portfolio. A sleek and clean background with neutral colors will help your portfolio be more appealing to viewers. While also having a neutral background allows space for future uses without having too much to change.

I would also say that when creating your pages allow enough space for content. In the end have fun and show your personality as well through your ePortfolio.

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