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  • Writer's pictureDOMONIQUE ASKEW

Curating, curating, and more curating!

After taking a brief break from my e-Portfolio, I have returned to implement a few changes and tweaks. I initially created my e-Portfolio using WIX back in 2022 for my COMM 372T class. At first when the assignment was announced I was very intimidated by creating a website since I have never done so before. The most experience I have had creating a website was when Tumblr was the most popular thing to do. Even then it was intimidating and stressful to bring your vision to life. Having maintained my e-Portfolio for two years now, I feel like I have been consistently curating it. During the curation process for my COMM 305 class, I chose to clean up some pages that I believed were a bit dated or could be improved. So, I improved my resume page by embedding a pdf file for a more sleeker look, I cleaned up my course projects page and embedded links in the titles to my work with a brief description, and changed the headers on both my coursework projects and resume pages. 

I faced some difficulty figuring out how to change certain elements on each page during the curation process. Especially since I have not touched my e-Portfolio in a few months. Although I had a few moments of struggle I did finally figure out the tools and what would work best for each page. Despite encountering a few challenges, I eventually understood the tools and determined what would work best for each and every page.

This semester I am taking, as previously mentioned, COMM 305, which is a course about work-life balance. I decided to take this course because as an undergraduate college student who is about to enter the workforce I believe that work-life balance is essential. I believe that in this day and age that work-life balance should look like maintaining and accomplishing your work, deadlines, and goals while maintaining your personal life. Ultimately, having a healthy, harmonious relationship with your work-life and your personal life. In the context of today’s world, achieving work-life balance often requires the ability to prioritize and complete your work before meeting with friends for a drink later that night.

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